Red-Headed Soul Mates
He's not one for laughing out loud, but I saw the hint of a smile on my husband's face as he gunned the accelerator for effect, scattering a satisfying spray of gravel across the pavement.
Our hunt for a Christmas tree had indeed assumed somewhat epic proportions. The first tree farm was sold out; the second one had a line-up of at least a hundred cars - no joke - waiting to get in. That's when we held an impromptu family pow wow, agreed to double down on one last farm, and conducted a quick roadside Yelp session to find another option and make our Christmas dreams come true.
We really were on a mission from God
And thankfully, He provided.
^ Finally we found ourselves in a field full of lovely options. But before we get into the delicate negotiations of selecting a tree, there's some Instagramming to be done.
^ There are advantages to late afternoon tree-shopping: sunlight filtered through the trees and brilliant highlights shimmered on each delicate needle.
^ Peace signs, hack saws, and two daughters happy to finally be out of the car.
^ Fish Creek Tree Farm did not disappoint. The Christmas tree of our dreams was soon harvested, paid for, and strapped to the top of our car.
Our mission from God was successfully completed.
Now, if only my daughters would catch up on their 1980s comedy so they could understand my clever reference.
And if you're up for a fascinating report on the making of the movie, read this.
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More Christmas tree farm adventures:
2018 | Christmas Absurdities
2017 | Red-Headed Soul Mates
2016 | Christmas Tree-Hunting Blues
2015 - Tree Hunting
2014 | Hunting the Perfect Christmas Tree
2013 | A Vegan Murder
2012 | The Christmas Tree Farm Revisited