
Thursday, July 30, 2020

News Trend Irish Inspiration|Actual

'There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men.' -Walter Reuther

'It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly life.' -Ethel Percy Andrus

^ Even on the coldest, wettest days, my girl is always full of Irish charm.


Ohmigosh I thought it was a BEAR!

She's soooo cute!!

Gracie raced through the curve in the lane ahead of me and surprised three high school girls walking toward us in the rain, thus setting off a avalanche of giggles and exclamation.

"Don't worry" I called back. "She's a friendly little red bear."

A few steps further and we met, then I properly introduced my dog. Soaking wet and wiggly, Gracie gently pressed herself into the circle of three, stretching her whole body forward to receive their attention, wagging her tail with easy affection Two of the girls pulled their hands from warm pockets and mittens to pet and praise my eager pup; the third girl, who delightedly shared that her name was also Gracie, apologized to her:

"I'm sorry. I want to pet you cuz you're soooo cute. But my hands are too freezing."

Gracie seemed to wag extra hard.

A few minutes later, the petting session came to a natural end and the girls continued on their way, calling goodbyes to us, laughing and squealing as they splashed toward home.

Gracie and I watched them go, then we grinned at one another and continued on our way.

* * * * *

These encounters happen every day with my dog. I see people in cars smiling at her as we cross the street. I laugh with school bus drivers as my bold missy finds an open door and attempts to climb on board. I smile to myself as countless students pull an ear bud out to say to me, "Your dog is so cute."

We all want to change the world. All of us, I believe, wish we had it in our power to bring light into darkness, to ease one another's pain, to spread hope and joy and maybe just share a good laugh with our fellow man. We want our lives to matter, we want to live as fully as possible.

I certainly do. .

And I realize, with no small measure of humility, that my dog accomplishes all of those wonderful, world-changing things, simply by being herself.

She inspires me every day.

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