
Saturday, August 22, 2020

News Trend Teigan's Journey|Actual

All smiles on the day before she leaves.

A few hours from now, while the world is fast asleep, this young woman will toss her suitcase in the car, head to the airport and fly away from home on the trip of a lifetime.

First, she heads to Kona, Hawaii, for three months of pelatihan. And then, off she will go to some corner of the world to apply what she has learned by helping people.

She has no idea where she will go.

She has no idea who those people will be.

And she has no idea how she will be able to help them.

But right now she is not worrying about that.

She is simply trusting that somehow, everything will work out fine.

This is her journey of faith.

Teigan and her brother, a freshly baptized math wizard.

I first met Teigan when she was five years old. She came with her mommy and her little brother to my art group and we painted and drew and made papier mache together for a year or two.

Then we went our separate ways and I didn't see much of Teigan again until two years ago. When I began teaching math to her baby brother, who was now a long, lanky teenager.

At this point, Teigan had graduated from high school and was figuring out what might come next in her life.

Teigan and her sister...I mean, her mom.

Now those plans are set and about to unfold.

I couldn't be more excited for Teigan.

No doubt that over the six months of this Discipleship Training School, she will experience a full range of emotions, from the highest high to the depths of sadness.

She will exalt in her newfound freedom and fight off ferocious homesickness.

She will burst with confidence, and some days, wonder why the heck she signed on for this in the first place

All of those things will happen exactly as they are supposed to happen.

And she will learn from them.

I'm so proud of Teigan

for making this bold choice,

for plunging headfirst into an unknown world

for trusting that everything will be okay.

I will watch and be amazed as your journey of faith unfolds!

 Go, Teigan. Go!

* * * * *

All photos courtesy of Teigan. Thank you!

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