
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

News Trend The Agony And The Irony|Actual

"The agony and the irony: they're killing me (whoa.)"

 - Harvey Danger

I love sending Christmas cards

I really, really do.

Over the years, my ritual has grown as many steps as Santa has bunions but I don't mind:

Creating my own cards.

Composing a newsy note about the fam's current events.

Personalizing each letter with a few special paragraphs for that recipient.

Choosing a photo that captures a fun moment in our year.

Addressing each card as I reflect on that person and what they have meant to me.

Delivering big stacks of cards to the post office where they are sent off willy-nilly across the planet.

I get huge satisfaction form this annual task.

And I do it because I want to; not because I have to.

But at the same time, I must confess. Sometimes I really hate this job.

The entire production hangs over my head, a heavy weight of responsibility.

My all-too-short pre-Christmas prep time is never long enough to get the job done.

And the celebratory mood of the Twelve Days is dampened as I scramble to get this final task stricken from my month-long to-do list.

Finishing my cards is always, ALWAYS a drama for me.

Still. I do it because I want to; not because I have to.

I've come to accept the agony and the irony of my annual Christmas card battle of the spirits, and honestly, it's become a funny little tradition all on its own.

P.S. I finished my 2015 cards tonight. Wahoo!!

* * * * *

Celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas with me!

The First Day

The Second Day

The Third Day

The Fourth Day

The Fifth Day

The Sixth Day

The Seventh Day

The Eighth Day

The Ninth Day

The Tenth Day

The Eleventh Day

The Twelfth Day

AndEpiphany too.

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