
Sunday, October 25, 2020

News Trend A Fistful Of Fall Flowers|Actual

Summer is finally over.

Sniff, sniff.

I'll grudgingly concede that truth.

And if another truth must be told, the flowers in my gardens are mostly fading into memory, which makes it all the more important to flood my home with fresh, seasonal blooms. But hold up - mixed bouquets of harvest tones and the ubiquitous pots of chrysanthemums, lovely as they are, are not my jam. Here are three of my favorite alternatives for fall-friendly flowers.

^ These extravagant blossoms were plucked straight from my generous hydrangea bush way back in early September, and here they are in November, still going strong. True, the individual petals have dried out a bit, but the originally pale colors have intensified in a most satisfying fashion, and best of all, I no longer need to bother with keeping water in the vase. Huzzah!

^ Let's be honest. I love keeping the windows open during cold weather. That snappy Pacific Northwest air makes every room feel cleaner and calmer, and I especially appreciate this phenomenon in my bathroom. But given the reality of a husband who does not share my interest in heating the outdoors, I've discovered an alternative. Eucalyptus bouquets offer a bright scent and soothing sight for a mere $4 a pop at the grocery store. Take that, heating bill.

^ What could be sweeter and simpler than a little white pitcher full of pink carnations? Yeah, yeah, I know...I have a well-documented obsession with pink flowers all year round. But this vivid jewel tone packs the same intensity as the scarlet and gold maple leaves and brilliant blue sky in my backyard; the colors all flow together and make seasonal sense.

This precious bundle comes with a tiny price tag - the whole handful cost less than $lima and will last for weeks. I glance over at them dozens of times every day, and love the splash of sass they bring to my darkening days.

* * * * *

So, fine, fall - you win. I'll concede victory to you once again, and do my best to celebrate your season with these fall-friendly flowers. But just the same, I trust you won't mind if I pay one more visit to my rose bushes tomorrow, hoping for a few last, lingering blooms of summer.

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