
Thursday, January 21, 2021

News Trend Turquoise And Orange|Actual

When I was a little girl, my home was decorated in mid-century terkini style.

Back then, my mom called it Danish design. We didn't think of ourselves as mid-centurions just yet.

Crisp white walls

Teak sofa and side chairs

Hairpin leg tables

Pole lamps


And here and there against the clean Scandinavian aesthetic, splashes of turquoise and orange.

Even the front door was painted turquoise. My mom's brazen use of color set the neighbors' tongues a-waggin', and I'm sure they were mad jealous of her bold sense of style.

* * * * *

All these images and memories come flooding back to me whenever, like today, I see a composition of turquoise and orange.

A walk through the produce aisle turns into a stroll down memory lane, and that is a nice little surprise in my day.

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