
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Minecraft Slime BounceFGTEEV Dropper Parkour Adventure Mini-Game Map

I mean, that's right selling us on a slime block [talk] What is that for do that to underneath [it] go in underneath? I feel like a little hyperspeed ago that it it's Hello chase! Whats up What You Doing There?You Pooping Chase? Whats up Fgteevers! Its Duudy Superman...Yeah..And little chasey man today and what are we playing chase? The- Whats In this chest right here I was Gonna Take It ! What Is That? A butt Why is it just whoa - just make a button where am I?! [Oh], we're playing slide bounce whoa no all right? Alright so were playing this game called Slime Bounce You got stuck goal reach the end of each level by bouncing on the slime blocks Diffrent jumps require diffrent Stragtegies Basiclly its this game were we have to see how good we are at using slime to bounce across Obstacles,so look at this we got this oh yeah almost..I almost might make this! AWWW so close! Boing! Here we go were going down here going down the slime blocks That hurt a little bit.Get off my constant they set up get off your constants how bout you know what? Anyone Ever touch my vowels and there dead man Boy here. We go here. We go here. We go okay? [Hahahahahaha].

Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I'm gonna make it. I'm Gonna make it [it] [was] me dude.

That was later. Yeah, [don't] go too far. [Don't] go too far too far. I did know Too far whoa here we go here.

We go here. We go here. [Yeah] here we go. Yeah.

Oh yeah, oh yeah? Dude, oh yeah, I'm gonna make this one have I made this one Sure, I can't see it's like a giant giant fan a fire Okay, let's try this again We got this we got this we got this we got this we got this we got this we got this Yes, all made this could be a this This could be this could [be] it this could be it this could be it yeah. Yeah, I made it across [I] mean, it crossed exit level Wyvern to tell them so crispy way. I can do it. I got it.

We got this come on We have to make this one work Orna Aura hurt a little bit. I broke my toes, okay look I got I got right here [all] right here. I come here. I come to [save] the day Underdog wait, how'd you get over there? Hey dude? Give enough blocks to like build something you want you just to show [some] blocks and make a bridge Incredible I'm coming to help cheese there we go.

All right. You know what I got a good Yeah, you guys want to know why we didn't think it is because when you're playing you don't need that many blocks when you're playing in us in Korea not creative, but like Single player mode you can't break blocks. [Oh] Man, sand takes forever. I was gonna say let's just dig like a little tunnel to go underneath Right [horn], but then this [is] this is this is Gonna.

Take a little long So we're [just] gonna do a little cheat here, and we're just gonna. We're just gonna We're just gonna can I do this one quick [no]? Oh, you're right there. No no right there. Yeah, yeah, all right That's what we're talking about And then we'll do a little bit [of] this right and then and I'm just gonna jump up here And then don't get too close and then right oh Sit down So you can do it more ah? Phil Phil block okay? I'm just uh That's what I'm saying, okay? Let's just fly dude.

Let's just fly. Let's just fly I can fly I can fly I can fly Here we go. Oh, yeah, okay ready in and I still fail all right watch this now I'm sorry, [Jase]. Let's just try it back Game-Mode s [are] [you] what do you want? [Rights] yeah, [no], I'll tell you what it says you ready, okay? Whoa oh superman All right, this is a parkour.

So we want. What do we do we [can] like? Run and bounce on like slimes, but I'm not sure I want to do the parkour So there's a little button over there if we don't want to egg and he didn't he skip D skip parkour? How to use the jump boost effectively in slime [blocks] So there's some there's some jump boost books up in here some little enchanted well qo [bucks] and the parkour prize claiming room. Oh Let me in let me in I want a prize [man], all right, I didn't do parkour sigh don't get a prize, right? Here's his checkpoint boom we set our checkpoint right here, so we don't go back jump booze potion Potion ugly [appy], let's just take a bunch. I'm Gonna take all the matter I'm not gonna leave any for [chase] [chase] is gonna be like hey where they go [alright] fine? I'll leave something for you Chase you better get here time.

Can you get here tight quick taste? Is there Gonna be any left one? Level to [Whirlpool] Sounds very unsanitary [all] right, you ready there's lots of poo in this world. All right glass bottle cool [wow], we died three with that 37 times I did so I have to jump and make it all the way to that slime bak ready You're not [laying] that wasn't it that wasn't a Sprint yeah No, I didn't make it. Oh wait on that slime bak ah Let's try it again got a drink mele pin potion again drinking my leaping potion. I'm backing up here.

I'm sprinting yeah Yeah, yeah, ha all right? Let's see. We're gonna make it are we gonna make it are we gonna make it No, we're not gonna. Make it go back retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat [ah] What was the point of that jumpy potion if I can't make it to that block? Yeah Sevigny above a bitch key baba. I really didn't need that.

It was just like an exaggerated leap Oh, no get back of it came back here. We go here. We go. Yeah.

Oh yeah, oh no in the fire I. Jumped out of the fire sweet Sweet me what water oh the side water ah? Didn't [Mickey] I know what to do drink this You're a taste. I'm going I'm going I'm going here. We go here.

We go here. We go here we go boom ba-ba-boom baby, okay ready to fire oh [woah] dude I made it wait, I. Made it. Oh, no idiot stuck in Cobweb little shit up.

Oh yeah I shouldn't jump too high but it's alright cuz I'm gonna Lena Cobwebs. I'm gonna be all safe. Yeah Yeah, alright. [I'm] a little stuck.

I'm a little stuck wait You know what I don't want potion of leaping I got it. I gotta let this thing run out It's a slow fall to my death. What's gonna happen here. Chase is still drink it what bribe [you're] drinking [oh] yeah, there you go [alright].

So hold on how do we get out of this place or something on the ground? There's nothing on the ground, but that's alright because I'm just gonna do like a little Pour - Well, you got stuck back at the beginning That's messed up dude. Oh, you didn't hit checkpoint. You [got] a hit checkpoint alright Chase I'm gonna Build like a little staircase right here, and we got to get back up to the top You want to help? Do you want to help now? Why? [Cut] [out] a wonder why not cut I'm not your best friend. You're not I am I was just kidding focus right there [alright] jump Chase is having a little difficulty.

So we're gonna set that boy up and creative can I get one hey kal-el cheater? Okay, can't even hang with the big boys. All right. So what is over here exactly let me see um We got a little redstone repeater, and then this here and then okay. That's cool.

What do I fall down here [alright]? We're going down. We're going down. What we fail. We totally felt.

Oh [justices] look dude. I hit a jackpot. Let's see. What son Jackpot.

It's just a pot Where's Jack ah there's [a] [kitty] bugs all right? No more jacks. [Oh] look dude I got a lever place out a gold block what am I gonna find the gold block at a place like this? Where [are] you going? I wonder hit checkpoint a checkpoint Dude, I'm sitting here looking for a gold block. What what what what? Why would? I why would I want a beacon right now? Why would I want [a] beacon? I don't want to bake it. I'm a vegetarian out and [eat] Block where is it right there? Dude, I don't see a gold block anywhere It's over there oh, I gotta get across [Kanji] I gotta get across Do I need a potion of leaping the pirate ship ain't funny dude.

[How] am I gonna get up there? Taking it oh my Goodness, I got it somehow. I magically got on top of this little pirate ship thing what I have no idea I know, I'm like whoa seriously, bro All right, so hold on with where do I have to go I have to go where's those slime blocks, right? Do I have to go this way [how] am I going to ever do this drink some potion of leaping? Jump will I make it oh I can make that. Oh dude. I can make that oh no I'm gonna die though wait wait.

Wait. I forgot about the whole death thing hahahahaha oh rats rats of a Monkey's uncle that's just Crazy come on come on. Just make it please just make that slime block you're not making [you're] not make it again [em] I can't get over get over get over get over get over get over get back a little pup poop these poopy do piece I'm Shae TV daddy died I'm not gonna make it. I'm not gonna make it.

I'm not gonna make it. I'm not Gonna make it I didn't make it this teleports me. Where are you come down? Oh? Oh stay right dear. I'm gonna.

I'm gonna teleport you [geez] cuz I'm getting too lazy I don't feel like all right [teepee] Blockhead seven seven my ill sevens that boom teleported what up dog? What [joy] all right hold on no you here's what we got to do? We got to get up we got to get up there again How am I oh? Oh all right here right here right here I got this drink up drink up and 1 2 3 bounce. [Oh] I almost made it. [I] almost made it well it bounced on the same spot again. I think I will bounce [oto] [oh], you know I need to get there if I got this none of you don't destroy the block now - alright look look we're magically I'm making it to chop.

Oh my gosh How I doing this [I'm] so good at this while this potion of leaping is awesome. Yeah, [I] Made it What are you doing over there? [I'm] going to Enchant that Golden Sword you [needs] [lip] pisa loves Uzis alright chase hit that switch. Let's see. What's in there Wait, wait [wait] [wait].

We should probably be in survival. We're so cheating. What is it? What is it? Wow? Oh my gosh? Oh my gosh. I love [it].

I just have to take it. All [oh] yeah Oh, yeah, functional weeping poke [a] potion of swiftness not weeping that's for crying. They don't have a potion of crying. They should though Alright, so swiftness you get dressed up.

I'm getting dressed up superman wait Where's my superman all right superman yeah look at those boots Superman's ooh wait get this one this one's superman How about this one you like that yeah? Yeah, I like that one okay boom Alright. [How] about this one? Yeah? Yeah, like that one alright cool We get that with [to] superman yeah, the helmets back in my eyes, Danny Take that sword. [What] sword [dancer] man you why? It's great thing thank you. Son.

I'm getting equipped where to go didn't sword oh Yeah, what's this thing? Do? [Oh]? Oh why is there an acme looniversity thing that all right? Chase are you getting ready to play no? I'm not oh, I don't think we're gonna fully play this thing, but let's just see what it's about. [You're] ready [alright] Let's just say oh check point you ready. You got to come hit this checkpoint button. I did you hit this one I know yeah, come get it come get this son come get this checkpoint or I forget.

I'm not waiting for [you] alright What is this thing safe [a] little time? Level three whoa no wait. Oh Wow, temple of swiftness whoa What it died man? I should probably stop cheating and getting survival, right? Now I'll get fired [not] [me] in came me and creative. Okay Caveman see Why I'm drinking, but I'm not oh your [eye] [gamemode] see [ah] [my] [name] [is] Chevy there you go. You're all shader.

Whoa wait Can we run on the sides we I'm running up a pyramid? Okay, this is very very slow. [Oh], well. What does that do to that slime? I'm drinking it again and one two three yeah, oh Yeah, oh, yeah, wait. What that wasn't enough that wasn't enough.

I to get enough [juice] wait. I'm not supposed to Yeah, oh, sweet redstone. What's the red stuff already? I'm so hyper. Well, that's all right stuff That's right selling us on a slime block [top] What is that for do that to underneath [I] go in underneath? I feel like a little hyper speeding.

[I] got it [oh], there's a vine. It's a [5] the fight is stopping me from going too fast. Thank you. Vine.

What's under there? Is that a fine too? I'm just like should I go under there? I don't I don't know but I don't care but [webber] oh What what was the what was the point of that are you still trying to get lapies in with Suzie's? All right, shout out to Suzie. I'm sure there's somebody named suzie watching right. Oh, dude. It opened up something I like I said we weren't gonna do it but we did it all right potion [of] reef miss come on We're we're so sweet.

Wait what I'm not? How come I don't feel very Swift. [Oh], no. Oh, no I got this button come on. Oh yeah.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, hello wall potion of leaping oh Wow, dude. This this mods, awesome. Yeah, yeah, but you're not even enjoying it you're sitting there, and you're playing with erupt Volcano, [oh] Yes, we will. I don't see any special lever Maybe I erupt out of the Volcano [1] [2] [3] yeah oh, I do.

Oh, I know ouch oh, no, ha ha ha Go come on. Come on bounce. Yeah Yeah All right smart for all right guys well. That's about it for this game.

What are you doing over here? I have a [place] change the unchain Villages trading Villagers. What are you trying to get from them? I'm jonesing at this but they won't let me all that stinky Villager. All [right] guys Thank you so much for watching make sure dubs up the video peace out billary but for the look Uh-Huh? [Alright] You do yeah?.

Minecraft Slime BounceFGTEEV Dropper Parkour Adventure Mini-Game Map

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Mechana Race Rabbit Island

[Sound of a horn] ANIMAL MECHANICALS:
Animal Mechanical Mission Time!  Animal Mechanicals   We Animal Mechanical Can!  REX:
Rex! Mechana Strong! UNICORN:
Unicorn! Mechana Fly! KOMODO:
Komodo! Mechana Gizmo! MOUSE:
Mouse! Mechana Fast! SASQUATCH:
Sasquatch! Mechana Stretchy!  Animal Mechanicals   Mechana can we do it?   We Animal Mechanical can!   We Animal Mechanical can!  [  ] ANIMAL MECHANICALS:
Animal Mechanical Mission Time! [Electronic thudding noises
as platform expands] [cracking noise] ISLAND OWL:
Good morning,
Animal Mechanicals! ANIMAL MECHANICALS:
Good morning, Island Owl! ISLAND OWL:
Very big mission today! [Excited reaction] ISLAND OWL:
Your destination is
Mechana Race Rabbit Island. MOUSE:
Ooh! Cool! Race Rabbits are
really fast! ISLAND OWL:
That's right, Mouse -
almost as fast as you. And today is the day of their
How stimulating! ISLAND OWL:
But there's a problem, Mechana Race Rabbits don't
always race fairly.

In fact, they can be quite
sneaky when it comes to winning their race. MOUSE:
You mean, they cheat? ISLAND OWL:
I'm afraid so, Mouse. MOUSE:
That's not fair! ISLAND OWL:
Your mission is to make sure the Mechana Race Rabbits
race fairly. Mechana can you do it? ANIMAL-MECHANICALS:
We-animal-mechanical-CAN! UNICORN:
Lets go! REX:
Woo hoo! KOMODO:
Yes! [  ] [Everyone cheers] [  ] [Everyone cheers] REX:
Well, here we are;
Mechana Race Rabbit Island! (Race Rabbits
vrooming their engines) UNICORN:
And there are the
mechana Race Rabbits.

Very impressive creatures. And quite powerful engines,
I might add. MOUSE:
Look at their
awesome race course! It has ramps and tunnels and
even a bridge! It looks like fun! ANIMAL-MECHANICALS:
Yeah!/ Sure does!/ Uh huh! (Race Rabbits
vrooming their engines) REX:
Ooo, they sure sound
ready to go! (Horn beeping) MOUSE:
They want us to start the race
by lowering the race flag! SASQUATCH:
I want to lower the flag!
I want to lower the flag! KOMODO:
Woo hoo! OK, Race Rabbits. Ready, set, Hey! (Vrooming) SASQUATCH:
I didn't say "go"! REX:
The Island Owl did say the race
rabbits don't race fairly, SASQUATCH:
Get back in line, Race Rabbit! I still didn't say "go"! REX:
Those rabbits are out of
control! SASQUATCH:
Get back to the start line,
rabbits! KOMODO:
Sasquatch! Be careful! Mechana
Race Rabbits are quite frisky! YIKES! AAAAAAK! SASQUATCH:
Komodo, a word of warning: Mechana Race Rabbits
are quite frisky.

I knew that. REX:
These rabbits will not start the
race fairly. UNICORN:
If only there were some way to
keep them behind the start line until the race begins. MOUSE:
Like a fence or
a rope or something, SASQUATCH:
Mouse, do you see a fence or a
rope around here? KOMODO:
No- But perhaps someone could
streeetch and keep the race rabbits behind
the start line.

But, who could do that? KOMODO:
(clears throat) SASQUATCH:
Wait a minute!
I just had an idea! I could stretch and keep the
race rabbits behind the start line! MOUSE:
(giggling) KOMODO:
Why didn't I think of that? SASQUATCH:
Behold, the mighty Sasquatch! Mechana Stretchy! [  ] [  ] MOUSE:
Wow! Sasquatch is super
stretchy! UNICORN:
Stretchy like a
fantastic elastic! REX:
Good work, Sasquatch - the race rabbits are all behind
the start line. No one can start until you say-- SASQUATCH:
Ready, set, GO! (Engines revving) KOMODO:
And they're off! MOUSE:
They really are fast! UNICORN:
And they really are sneaky! Look! That one is trying to take
a short cut! REX:
C'mon, team - it's up to us to
keep this race fair and square. Catch that sneaky rabbit! (Vrooming) SASQUATCH:
Woo-hoo-ooo! MOUSE:
That rabbit is too fast for me
to catch! KOMODO:
I can't catch it either. I have very sensitive feet.

How can we ever catch a mechana
race rabbit? SASQUATCH:
It's impossible! MOUSE:
Nothing's impossible for
Animal Mechanicals! This is a job for - Mouse! Mechana fast! [  ] [  ] SASQUATCH:
Woo-hoo! Go, Mouse, go!
She's fast! UNICORN:
Fast like a rocket! [  ] [  ] REX:
That rabbit has
really got some moves! MOUSE:
You're fast, rabbit, but I'm
mechana-fast! [  ] Gotcha! Now get back to the race
and stay on the course! (Horn beeping) [  ] REX:
Yes! The mechana race rabbit is
back on track. (Vrooming) Good work, Mouse! MOUSE:
Thanks, Rex. That was mechana fun! ( Vrooming ) REX:
One more lap to go. We better head over to the
finish line in case there are any more race rabbit
shenanigans! SASQUATCH:
Are they racing, too? UNICORN:
Shenanigans means doing sneaky
rascally things, like the mechana race rabbits
keep doing.

Uhm, like that? SASQUATCH:
Where's that
bunny blasting off to? KOMODO:
Goodness! It has launched itself
into the air off that ramp! UNICORN:
I see what it's trying to do - it's trying to fly past the
other rabbits to win the race! ANIMAL-MECHANICALS:
Shenanigans. REX:
Bring that bunny back! KOMODO:
But, how? It's way up there in
the air. MOUSE:
I can't fly. SASQUATCH:
Neither can I.

I can't even hop very high. My tender tootsies. UNICORN:
Did someone say fly? This is my kind of job! Unicorn, mechana fly! [  ] [  ] SASQUATCH:
Woo-hoo! Fly Unicorn, fly! KOMODO:
The rabbits are heading for the
home stretch! Hurry! (Zooming) UNICORN:
That was a smooth move,
race rabbit, but you have to play fairly, So I'm bringing you
back to the track! MOUSE:
The rascally rabbit is back! REX:
Great job, Unicorn! ANIMAL-MECHANICALS:
(cheers!) KOMODO:
Look! The race is almost
finished! REX:
We got the mechana race rabbits
to race fairly, after some shenanigans. Animal Mechanicals -
mission accomplished! ANIMAL-MECHANICALS:
(cheers!) MOUSE:
Who's going to win!? UNICORN:
We'd better get to the finish
line to find out! (Vrooming) SASQUATCH:
I want to lower the flag! I want
to lower the flag! KOMODO:
Sasquatch! No! You don't lower the flag to
finish the race! It's only for the start! SASQUATCH:
Huh? (Vrooming and revving engines) KOMODO:
Oh no! The rabbits think the
race is starting all over again! SASQUATCH:
Komodo did you know you don't
lower the flag to finish the race?
It's only for the start.

You learn something
new every day. REX:
Now we have to make sure they
race fairly again. Mechana can we do it? ANIMAL-MECHANICALS:
We Animal Mechanical can! KOMODO:
(all laughing) (Vrooming and revving engines).

Mechana Race Rabbit Island

LGR - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - PC Game Review

[Typing] In 1994, Epic MegaGames released
Jazz Jackrabbit onto the shareware scene and it made quite the impact. Sonic the Hedgehog-inspired gameplay on the PC. With bright cartoony graphics, solid gameplay and amazing music? Oh, yeah, people were all over that mess, including myself as a wee lad. Of course, most of us never
actually bought the full game and instead just played the free episode over and over, or innocently copied the rest of
the episodes at a friend's house.

But hey, demand is demand, and it wasn't long before a sequel was in development. The eventual result was Jazz Jackrabbit 2, published by Project 2 Interactive and
Gathering of Developers in 1998 for Windows PCs and by Logicware for Macintosh the following year. And like the first game,
lead programming was by Arjan Brussee, this time under his studio at Orange Games, and was produced and co-designed by Cliff Bleszinski and others at Epic MegaGames. A duo that in 2014 joined up again
to create the indie studio Boss Key.

This is the US release here, showing depictions of Jazz Jackrabbit
and his newly playable brother Spaz, on a plain white background. But being a game developed largely in the Netherlands, it's natural to expect a European release, and I have to say I prefer this one's packaging. It's more colorful and the box feels more substantial, and it not only comes with Jazz 2 but
the first game for MS-DOS inside as well. However, this manual is all black and white and doesn't have as much content as the US release, so if you want that, it's back to America.

Just like the original Jazz,
this comes with a full-color manual that includes not only all the info
about the game you need to know but a comic strip in the beginning, setting up the story and providing a waft of lagomorph-related humor. Starting the game pushes some
introductory logo animations in your face, as well as a nicely animated cutscene by Dean Dodrill, the same guy who in recent years is most known for making the
game Dust: An Elysian Tail. After this is finished letting you know how
awesome it thinks the protagonists are, you're greeted with an updated rendition
of the Jazz Jackrabbit theme song. ["Jazz Jackrabbit" theme] As well as the main menu and its
obnoxious cartoon sound effects.

[Various cartoon sounds] Beginning a new game allows you to play
single-player or the new multiplayer modes, though we'll start with single-player. You have four episodes to choose from in the full game, many of which spoof something from pop culture, though only the first one is initially unlocked and the rest are unlocked as you play. There's also a smaller shareware episode
and the option to play custom levels. Although the intro video established that
Jazz and Spaz work together as a team, you can only choose one of them to play as at a time.

You then choose your difficulty, which takes cues from the first game
with its absurd and awesome artwork depicting each level of play. Finally, you're dropped into the game, surrounded by the art and design of Nick Stadler and the absolutely fantastic
tracker tunes by Alexander Brandon, the same dude responsible for Epic's
epic Tyrian and Unreal soundtracks. [Tracker music] If you're any kind of familiar with the
original Jazz Jackrabbit from 1994, Jazz 2 is an immediately
notable and substantial change. The basic run-and-gun
platforming gameplay is still here, as are the basic goals for each level.

But thankfully gone is the excessive
knock-back from getting hurt, gone are the twitchy controls and movement
that's so fast it gets out of hand, gone is the often claustrophobic level design, and gone is the zoomed-in camera
that made moving very fast a hassle. Although you can kind of bring it back
if you enable 320x200 resolution mode, but why would you wanna do that? No, this is an objective improvement
in playability in almost every way. The premise is simple: an evil genius turtle known as Devan Shell has been a total dick to rabbit-
kind for what seems like forever, although here he's not destroying planets or anything. Instead, he's simply stolen a wedding ring.

That's it. Petty larceny. It's the job of Jazz and his brother Spaz to retrieve it, so Jazz and Princess Eva Earlong can get married. Apparently, they're either flat broke
or it's a seriously unique wedding ring because they can't just hop on over to a local
pawn shop and grab another one or something, but must instead ruthlessly murder
hundreds of turtles to get it back.

You start off with a basic blaster weapon
with infinite ammo, just like the original game, but you also have several special
moves you can pull off at any time. Each character can butt-stomp at will from mid-air, allowing to take out enemies as well as
break certain crates and blocks in the level. There are also unique abilities, like Jazz who can perform a high
jump/punch directly upwards, as well as glide around with helicopter ears,
straight out of Looney Tunes. And the spastic Spaz who can
double-jump to reach higher platforms and perform a flying kung fu kick
directly to either side for quite a distance.

Beyond this, you have your
normal weapons and power-ups with the originals from the first game making a return, as well as several new ones. Nothing too fancy, just your typical
split-rockets, flame throwers, machine guns, homing missiles, bouncy
grenades, lasers, freeze rays, TNT Okay, so there are some pretty
frigging cool weapons, actually. Ammo for these is scattered all around as well, so you almost always have something fun on-hand to vaporize your reptilian foes. You can also enlist the help of Hip Hop
the parrot by shooting open bird cages, gain rapid-fire pickups from downed enemies, as well as make use of several types of shields, and even a weapon power-up that ridiculously increases the firepower of whatever weapon you've chosen.

There are also a bunch of random things to pick up
as you would expect from a platformer like this, but they're not all just for points this time around. Collecting candies and other sweets will
eventually lead to something called a sugar rush, which give you invincibility and allows you to bust
through and destroy blocks and enemies alike. You can also collect various gems to gain
even more points and even extra lives, as well as coins which are used
as currency at coin warp locations. If you get enough, you can spend them to be warped
to an area filled with ammo, power-ups and lives.

And yeah, there's a lives system,
and thankfully this is a game where you can get hurt repeatedly before you lose a life, where your health is indicated
by the hearts in the top-right and is refilled by finding and eating carrots, naturally. And as you'd expect, lose all
your lives and you get a game over, so saving your game often is advised, although it makes the whole
lives system a bit redundant. Also expected, at the end of
each level there is a boss battle and they really haven't improved much since Jazz 1. It's just a thing that tries to harm you,
and you shoot it until it perishes.

Maybe you get a few patterns
here and there to watch out for, but it's nothing multi-tiered in
complexity or particularly memorable. In fact, some of them are downright glitchy, like this one that keeps
blasting off the side of the screen, making the game unfinishable
unless you reload your game. Glitches and weirdness don't end there, either, sadly. Sometimes it's needlessly tough to
get through a certain spot in a level, or stomping on blocks and boxes doesn't
always work and is oddly particular about it, or the game will just outright crash at
random on any system I've ever played it on.

But this is nothing common enough to
take away from the overall experience and the game really is just a
pure joy to play through even still. I love all the references and updates
to the original Jazz Jackrabbit, as that was one of my absolute
favorite platformers for DOS as a kid. And I love the variety in level designs, tile sets
and all the awesome music and sound effects. Now sure, there isn't much in
the way of variety in gameplay.

I mean, they even took out the bonus rounds
in between worlds from the first game. But you do get the occasional token underwater level or wicked turtle witch morphing you into a frog. But being that you can finish
the game in just a few hours, it's not long enough for this
stuff to become too repetitive. And when you get tired of the single-
player, there's always multiplayer modes.

Yes, multiple players! Pretty novel concept. You can play several split-screen modes locally, everything from the whole game in co-op to several competitive modes consisting
of deathmatch, capture the flag, racing, as well as a mode where you try to
collect more gems than the other player, often by shooting them until
they hate you with a fiery passion. And in the short time between the release of
this game and Epic's own Unreal Tournament, this was one of the best
multiplayer experiences around, at least among my circle of friends at the time. And everything multiplayer was available online as well, either via LAN or over the Internet, and yes, there are still people playing to this day.

Granted, the servers aren't exactly very populated, but if you go sites like Jazz2online.Com
and keep an eye out for events, you can still join in on some awesome
multiplayer battles from time to time as well as download all sorts of fan-made content, much of which is made with
the Jazz Creation Station software the full Windows game comes with, allowing you to edit existing
levels and build your own levels and custom episodes, too. And it didn't stop there as there ended up being some expansions
and spinoffs to the game in the following years. First up is Holiday Hare '98, a set of Christmas-themed levels in the vein of
the previous Holiday Hare games for Jazz 1. It was released in a jewel case in the US, but also saw a very limited boxed release
in Europe as the Christmas Chronicles with some extra content included, as in an extremely rare thing to find indeed.

In these editions, you get three levels
of Christmas-themed goodness, with everything covered in snow,
Santa hats and Christmas lights, acting as a fun little holiday diversion and holiday promotion for the full game. And finally, there was
Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Secret Files, the only official expansion pack to the game. And yes, it is a game and not a kid-centric cereal box. Just looking at the artwork, you could
be forgiven for thinking otherwise.

Although, this was never released
in America to my knowledge, it's worth tracking down a copy from Europe, as it not only updates the game code
and adds another full episode, but you get an additional character to play as: Lori. According to this game,
she's the sister of Jazz and Spaz, although originally she was meant
to be the love interest of Spaz, as shown in the ending cutscene of the base game. Who knows, maybe Lori's both. I don't know what kind of incest laws they have
on the planet Carrotus, so I'm not going to judge.

Anyway, she's got her own set of abilities, but is basically an amalgamation
of the original two characters, where she has Jazz's helicopter ears and a variant of Spaz's kick,
which is more of a roundhouse thing. Otherwise, she plays the same
and isn't really a huge addition, except for the fact that having a female
to play as is always a really cool option. The new episode itself is kind of... Not that great, if you ask me.

It starts off with an Easter-themed set of levels because... I guess, ha ha, they're rabbits. So, yeah, chocolate bunnies and whatnot? But all the enemies and some of the tile sets used are just ripped straight from the previous four episodes. And not only that, but I'm just not a big
fan of the level design here in general.

But still, it's more content and
updates the game with some cool stuff. Another thing that is worth
looking into is Jazz Jackrabbit 2+, which is a fan-made patched version of
the game which fixes some of the bugs and updates the game with other capabilities, many of which are useful to level designers. This is free but requires the base game. But whatever version you decide to play, Jazz Jackrabbit 2 is a fantasic game and is well worth your time.

Unfortunately, it's not very
easy to come across anymore, as the game has never been re-released
digitally or otherwise to my knowledge, and finding physical copies online
aren't exactly easy to come by. I'm still really hoping Epic revisits Jazz someday, if not for a proper sequel, then at least a
version of these games for modern systems. But it seems like ever since the canceling of
Jazz 3's development, they've never looked back. Which is sad, because these games
remain some of my favorite platformers.

Not just for the PC, but for anything. So until that day comes, track down a copy of Jazz
Jackrabbit 2 however you can, because this is probably one of the last hurrahs for pure '90s 2D platformers,
and I cannot recommend it enough. JAZZ:
Hey! Hey, come on! What's up? [Funky keyboard music] LGR:
And if you enjoyed this review
on some jazzy awesomeness, then why not check out some of my others? I've covered the original Jazz Jackrabbit,
one of the Holiday Hare games, and a ton of other stuff. I upload new videos every single week, and seeing that this is YouTube
and subscribing is a thing, subscribing...

Is a thing. So you can do that and be notified
whenever I upload more stuff. You can also follow me and
interact on Twitter and Facebook, as well as back me on Patreon
to help support the show, or you can just sit there and continue
listening to me like a weird person. Not doing anything at all.

Just kind of looking at these pixels
on-screen with my voice in your ears. Who knows, maybe you're asleep. Maybe you're not real. Maybe everything has been
stolen by an evil turtle in space.

I don't know, but as always, thank you for watching..

LGR - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - PC Game Review

Monday, July 30, 2018

Keeping Slot Car Racing Alive

- When you tell people that
I run a slot car they go, "What, what's that? I never heard of that before." When they first do it they
go, "Wow, this is fun!" I am "Buzz" Frank Perri. I am the proprietor of Buzz-A-Rama, the slot car racing center of the world. On your marks, get set, go! Slot car racing is a hobby sport that's participated in all over the world. In 1965, it was my hobby.

I was one of the first
to open in New York. There was 48 places like this in the city. Today, I'm it. I'm the lone survivor.

They have 12 OTC motors in them and a guide flag that fits in the slot and when you hand control it, it energizes those lanes
and gives the motor juice. The fastest cars can go
upwards of 100 miles an hour. So, they're like blurs now. You have to hear them.

You go, "Weeng, weeng." You can hardly see them, you have to listen to them. You go, "Wssh, wow!" Kids play with computer now and there's no interaction with anyone. Over here they have
interaction with other drivers, they compete, they congratulate each other, you learn sportsmanship. It's really great.

Just watching the cars
go around the tracks pumps up your adrenaline and you get all excited and that thrill never leaves you. You always think about it..

Keeping Slot Car Racing Alive

Karekare Beach Races

We were starting to set up
a little local fire station and we needed money. So, this was an idea
to start raising funds for the fire station and
for the little local school. I feel that the race day is actually fantastic for
the community because it brings different people from
different groups together, working together for a common cause. It's lovely.

It can be quite fluid, because there's been all the
storms in the last week. So, the placement of
where everything goes, how the day's actually
going to function in detail is subject to the weather. We've got a lot of gear
and a lot of hired support and all that kind of stuff. But, with the weather
we may have actually had to cancel today.

So, it's just a natural event
in a natural environment. You gotta work with it. It's a small community thing. I think small communities
all around New Zealand do things like this, and you
just have to get involved and you have to do things, you know? It's not like a big city
where you can sit back and think, "Oh, somebody else will do it." Out here, you just need to be one of the people doing it.

People have been helping
with the race for 20 years. So, they all know their own tasks. They like being involved,
and it's just amazing how the community comes together. You think you're gonna have a problem and you turn around and so and so turns up out of the bush, and says, "Oh, I've always done that job, "and I just do it like this." And you go, "Oh, that's cool." And, they do.

There's nothing like just
galloping full out on the beach. On a massive beast, you got to kinda hang on. There's a group of us who do all the organising. Kim and I probably arrange
the horse side of it, but because it's also
a big fundraising day, there are sort of groups
of people in the school and surf club that do a lot.

I know it's a scratching
if a horse drops out, but if you get an extra horse turn up, I don't know what that is. I ended up for quite a few years giving riding lessons to
a lot of the local kids. I told my dad, "Dad those
girls are going horse riding." "I really wanna horse ride." And, he said, "Okay, let's follow them." We met this lovely lady, she said, "Yes, definitely, let's get
your daughter on a horse." How many horses have you got down there at the moment? I've got four just about here. I haven't seen the fifth horse.

I can't see a fifth horse anywhere, over. Okay, I've got one coming down now in a pink shirt. My horses, when they get on the beach, they get very excited, because they know they've got
one job to do, and that's run. Surf Patrol from Kubi, do you copy, over? We're pretty close to being clear here.

Can you just give us a
signal when you start? Ready? Hang on, hang on, hang on. Come to line, number four. Ready. Go! You need people who know about horses.

You need people that have an
idea about health and safety. Mostly, you need people that
are willing to give their time. You could sit back and say,
"Well, the Council should be doing that," or, "Isn't
it nice that used to happen?" You could make those
comments or you could just get together with people
and make it happen..

Karekare Beach Races

Sunday, July 29, 2018

How To Give Me Your Money

Hello, YouTube viewers. My name is Thomas, Aka creator of the sea rabbit! Trademark symbol and in this video We're going to look at your money and the ways that you can give it to me this video is basically one big Commercial of forced enthusiasm, so I'll try to keep it brief and entertaining. So you don't leave please don't leave first off I've opened a shirt shop on teespring Dot-Com in this shop You can find a plethora of clothing items with a variety of designs on them these designs include First off the cloudy sea rabbit design that many of you have already seen you can get this in color or black and white So pick your fancy the color design is also available in a mug just Because why not? I figured I'd throw it in there. Next up is this design that I made with oodles of little characters that are in my comics and videos as well as a sea rabbit if you can find it I would have made a time lapse video of me drawing this but I expected it to turn out a lot simpler when I started so sorry about that.

If you're into simpler shirts Then I got you covered, too ((Please no)) ((Give me the sweet release of death)) ((End my suffering)) There are shirts with my little sea rabbit logo that reside on the left breast simple stylish and fashionable all the shirt designs I just mentioned are available in different styles to suit your different needs like long sleeve shirts hoodies and ladies tees for -uh the -uh laaaadiesss they also come in different shades like Grey and Grey I think the little logo one also comes in black But the point is that there are a lot of options and you should go check it out it W-W-W-DOT-TEESPRING-DOT-COM-SLASH-STORES-SLASH-THESEARABBIT. Lastly is my personal favorite shirt you all may have seen me wear it in my Q&A cooking video. It's the "shirt" shirt That's right I made it a while back Before I even started YouTube and it's actually a reference to one of my comics that I made a long time ago And I'm not exaggerating when I say I've gotten more compliments from random strangers on this shirt than any other thing I've worn ever Okay, so that's it for the tangible item shop next up is the not so tangible item shop aka my patreon Right my patt patreon Patreon My donations website or as I like to call it my I don't want to get a real job fund here You can get intangible rewards like mental stability Enlightenment or get yourself digitally drawn as a cartoon character in my style if you give me money of course okay? I originally wasn't going to make a patreon But when I sold shirts in the past people would say to me "is there any way I can just give you money without buying A shirt?" Which was completely mind-boggling to me. I always thought hey people want to give me money They probably want something in return but apparently this is not the case and Some people just want to give me their hard-earned money for me to have and receive little to nothing in return But eh, I don't really care as long as I'm getting paid.

You know what I'm saying sorry, oh and about the shirts when you go to the store and pick an item it may say something like available till and then Give a day of the week on the bottom and you might see a countdown or something you can just ignore that there up permanently always available It's just that the shirts print every three days and that countdown is just till the next time the orders will be printed anyways Thanks to everyone who is willing to support me financially and even those who don't want to give me their money I appreciate all of you, but slightly less those who don't want to give me their money Anyway, thanks, bye.

How To Give Me Your Money

How To Bunny Hop Like A Pro

The bunny-hop is an amazing technique no matter
what bike you ride. Its fun, it looks cool and it can keep you safe whilst out on the
road. Its possible to clear big obstacles with
this move but we're going to start with just getting airborne. You can make life easier for bunny hops right
away by lowering your seat, giving yourself more room to manoeuvre on the bike.

Ride with your pedals level & decide which
foot is most comfortable in the forward position. Find a safe flat riding area that is away
from traffic. Then take something soft like a rolled up t-shirt and place it on the ground.
This will be your first super safe bunny-hop obstacle. Roll towards the obstacle and as you get close,
about 1 metre away, compress your arms down and then immediately lift up and back, raising
the front wheel up, over the obstacle.

Now repeat this tons of times just get comfortable
doing that one move. As before, roll towards the obstacle, but
let your front wheel just roll over it this time. As the rear wheel approaches, lift up
and backwards with your feet in a scooping motion.
Now link steps 1 and 2 together, so ride towards the obstacle and compress down and up lifting
your front wheel over, as it lands scoop the back wheel up and over. Then guess what repeat
tons of time just repeat over and over again.

So you've learnt your new skill, you're bunny
hopping and you're desperate to use it but before you go out and start bunny hopping
up curbs just spend 10 minutes really honing that skill and practicing it. It's really easy to bunny hop in clip pedals
but it can lead to some bad habits. So try and make sure you lift the front wheel first
followed by the back wheel, 2 separate movements, not just 1 upwards lift. Make sure you let us know how you get on with
your bunny hops, leave your comments down below and don't forget to subscribe..

How To Bunny Hop Like A Pro