[Retarded64 Intro] MAMA F**KER! Over the hills and far away... Teletubbies come to play..... Wahahahaha AHHAHAUGH! HERE WE GO! I'm-a Wario! I'm gonna FAK YOU! I'm Wario! I'm gonna FAK YOU! Awowowowo *Explosion* BITCH! GO GO crazy girlfriend BUY ME MORE JEWELLERY!!!! [SCREAMING] [BOOM] *DED* YAAY. Hahahaha PSYCH! *DED* [LUIGI CRYING] He's been doing that for like a while Waaahaaa! [Evil laughter] Look at me! I'm driving! Yay! This is so much fun.
I'm gonna be number one for sure! [BOOM] Oh no. I was playing with that! [BOOM] *Screams* [BOWSER LAUGHING] [TIRES SCREECH] backing up backing up backing Oh yeah! Yes! Hahaha! DAAAAAAAAMN! I love you. :D. NEVER!!! YOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
[SCREAMS] [BOOM] *DONUTS* Also I want a donuts. NOOOO! SHUT YO BITCH ASS UP! OH DANG. [Battle Intro Music] let's-a-go! *Luigi cries in the background* WOAH! [AIRHORN BLOWS] [ALL SCREAM] OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!! [MARIO LAUGHS BOASTFULLY] OH NOOO. NOPE.
[BOOM] HAHA Yee-haw! [Sonic X Theme Music] WAAAA WALUIGI. Wahhhh... C'mon! Let-s-a-go! *Evil laughter* I AM INVINCABLE! INVINCAABLE! OW! Heavy Weapons Guy: You are DED! Waaaaaaaluigi time [Ridin Dirty Music] they see me rollin'. They hatin' DIE BITCH! BIIATCH! [GIRL SCREAM] [Goofy Hollering] Heavy Weapons Guy: You are DED! Luigi! Luigi! Oh yeah! WAAAAAAA! *BOOM* Heavy Weapons Guy: You are DED! *SUPAH SANIC SPEED!!!* :D.
Wait, too much speed. Heavy Weapons Guy: You are DED! La la la la la la! This is fun! Peachy--[SCREAMS] UH OH AAAAH OH NO MARIO! HELP ME! (Chain chomp) [SCREAMS] Long live the king. [ >:D ] *Pushed* Good bye Mufasa [SCREAMING] *RIP PEACH* Heavy Weapons Guy: You are DED! ULTIMATE STARE DOWN!!! HAHAHAHAAA. RWAAAAAAAAAAAAAR.
Surprise, b*tches! I'm not done yet! How? [GRUNTING] [scream] [Scary scream] [Both Scream] Huh? OH MY GOD! FISHY BOOPKINS IS THE WINNER! I'M THE WIN- NOPE *Smashing* DED. *2 Smash combo* DED. GAME OVER YEEAAAAAH! My uterus... OH COME ON!!!! (Wait is that sound clip from my little pony oh Sh*t the bronies are gon come floodin in) *Epic music plays* *Luigi speaking Italian gibberish* Maama miaaaa [LINK YELLING] oh fuck SCREW GRAVITY! Run, bitch! RUuun! [BATTLE CRY] waaaaaAAAAAAAaaaAAAAAAaaaaah FOR THE MOTHERLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND! Yeah, DEFEATED NOW BITCH? *Really* l:( FAK U! FUCK THE POLICE COMIN STRAIGHT FROM THE UNDERGROUND.
[Explosion] OMG! Nope, nope, nope, nope. I'm a banana! *Rekt* Waaah! [BOWSER LAUGHS] *Chainsaw sounds* Why can't we be friends? [SCREAMS] WHAT?! NOT MY PEACH! [JUMP SOUND] [ROCKET BOOSTING] [ROARS] [WHIRRING] [SCREAMS] rip bowser again [SMACK] ... [CLEARS THROAT] I'll see myself out. Mama Mia Oh I have an idea! What if we have- *Mario gibberish* this is going to suck for them YOLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *Both Screaming* [STARMAN MUSIC PLAYS] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
GAME OVER YEAAAHHHHHHHH! Again? Punch (x6) LULULULULULUUUULULULULULUUULLLULUUULLULULULULUHAHAHAHHAHHHA. [Mario Kart DD: GP Intro Course Music] [Battle Music] [HORN BLARRES] CRAZY AMBUSH!!! O NU HAHAHAHAHA. BASH, BIATCH! [DIALING 911?] FU*K 'EM UP!! AHRUGGHH! Swigitty swoogy i'm coming for dat booty! [Evil Laughter] OH HELL NO. Cruising down the street in my 64! Jockin the bitches! Slappin' da hoes! A car pulls up, who can it be? A fresh el camino rolled, Kilo-g He rolls down the window and started to say: "IT'S ALL ABOUT MAKING DAT GTA" [BOOM] *Screaming* Waluigi Time! Wario Time! Weegee Time! Fishy Boopkins Time! Do I get a time? ~Peter [CRASH] ma douhut *dose anyone want a donut* [POLICE SIREN WAILS] N-n-no! [Da Po pO sirens] [Gun Shot] WAAA! Mario! HELP! HELP! *Retartedly singing Carol of The Bells* *having fun mario* Time for Waluigi! *Go Go Gadget* HELLOOOOOOO.
[SCREAMS] NO! *Confused Pain* WAAAAAAHHHHHH! [SCREAMING] *Overlapping "STOP RIGHT THERE!"S* [SPLASH] Hey, Wario, this here is my dad. Dad? Wario was very mean to me last night! Can you do something? I'm backing up backing up backing up backing up Pwned [SCREAMING] [CRASH] WHAT? Who's that? Really Who?! [DRUMROLLS] fuck you X3 You cool and fuck you i'm out. Fuck u im out. (Song: Denzel Curry: Ultimate)
[PAIN YELLS] Fuck you! Subtitles by ArtenChannel,KhanDaPwner, Mr.GRANDDAD78, iDplayz 600, Will GreenLinguist, HassanLechkar, The Gaming Owl,superemnauel64, Woolydog The Wolfman, Its Turqq, alex lopez (me!), And Lego Man Nate! (You're Welcome).
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