
Saturday, August 11, 2018

This Race Car Driver Is Defying Stereotypes at 200 Miles Per Hour

I am truly an activist first and a race car driver second. When I get into the race car and I pull the helmet on my head, It all just disappears. Its a sport where the intense mental focus is what I love and just the insane adrenaline that you have going into a corner at 200 miles an hour with cars inches from you. My motto is: Never underestimate a vegan hippie chick with a race car.

So youve probably seen NASCAR. When youre flipping through the channels and all of our cars are covered in logos. Theres a bacon car, theres oil companies, there's candy bars, theres fast food companies. When you see me on the track Im oftentimes carrying a message about clean energy, solar power, wind power, a future with 100 percent
renewable energy, which is absolutely possible.

I drove the first ever vegan-themed race car. My cars are unique. The messages that I carry on them are asking people to do something good for our planet and for the animals that we share it with. I get to see both sides.

I live in the world of environmentalists and then I also live in the world of racing. I know people have this stereotype of a NASCAR
fan with the beer belly and the NASCAR shirt, but I find that race fans are far more
open to these messages than people would think. I was at Daytona and I was giving away vegan food and this guy came up with his son. They were both dressed in camouflage from
head to toe.

They had clearly taken a break from their hunting trip to swing down to Daytona. He tried my vegan chicken wings and he just looked at me and he was like, "That is not meat?" "That is amazing!" And he actually came back to the tent for more. It was just so funny for me to see this
man from his hunting trip eating my vegan food and loving it. That is truly something I never could have
made happen if I didnt have the race car.

I want to see every race car running on either electricity or renewable biofuels. Every racetrack powered with 100 percent solar or wind. Every race track concession stand offering vegan food to the race fans. I want to see every racing tire recycled.

I would love to see every kind of sport have
somebody who is speaking up and rocking the boat. We need activists to be basketball
players and football players. I  do think sports figures have a responsibility to try and make the world a better place..

This Race Car Driver Is Defying Stereotypes at 200 Miles Per Hour

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